
Bringing elders together.
Creatively capturing memories for posterity

This project prototype was raised in Bristol to bring elders together to creatively reflect and honour memories of their own and other’s working-class forebears’ lives, and the use of the public washhouse/bathhouse: in poetry, shadow puppetry, sand animation, dance, doodle drawings, clapping and song…..
This was a world in which we were often small children…..

Audio voices:
The Bathhouse Remembered 
2.39 min
Pam, Terry S, Doreen, Pauline

Audio voices:
The Washhouse Remembered 
2 min
Ros, Silu. Washhouse Wimmin

Audio voices: 
The  Washhouse World Remembered 
3min 30s
Ros, Mary, Gill S, Terry & Washhouse Wimmin

Check out our events coming up, to meet up with others and add your story